Tuesday, May 14

Bluebird Box Assembly Project during Student Scholarship Golf Tournament – 2:00-4:00p.m., Register

Visit Harrison Bay State Park and join Harrison Bay State Park Rangers to help with an exciting project! Harrison Bay State Park, The Bear Trace Golf Course at Harrison Bay, and The Friends of Harrison Bay State Park have been monitoring and enhancing habitat for the Eastern Bluebird within the park and golf course for many years. Bluebird boxes are constructed that simulate natural tree cavities. The birdboxes are monitored and data collected is shared with Cornell University.

We need your help in assembling new bluebird boxes to continue efforts in providing habitat. These bluebird boxes are made from wood grown and milled at the park. Please join us for a fun project constructing and installing these boxes for our wildlife to enjoy. No prior woodworking experience is needed. We will meet at the Recreation Hall from 2-4pm ET. Register for this event here. Maps and additional details will be provided upon registration.

Wednesday, May 15

Brownfield Bus Tour – 9:00-11:00a.m., Registered participants to board in front of Convention Center

The brownfield bus tours are a tradition at TENSOS! The tour is hosted by TENSOS Steering Committee Members, TDEC Division of Remediation project managers, and various local experts in Brownfield Redevelopment including environmental attorneys. Join us for an exclusive visit to the historic Chattanooga Choo Choo! We’ll step back in time as we review what led to this site becoming enrolled TDEC’s Voluntary Oversight and Assistance Program. This will include a discussion of remedial action currently underway, tax credits, and zoning/land use variables which are integral considerations for the future development of the site. Our transportation is graciously provided by the Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA), a sponsor of TENSOS. *2.0 General Legal CLE credits

Presenters: Troy Keith, Pat Gribben, Debbie Clabo, and Payton Bradford, TDEC; J. Wayne Cropp, Baker Donelson; Dallas Whitmill, Terracon

Registration for Brownfield Bus Tour Here

Scholarship Student Research Presentations – 9:30-11 a.m., Room 18/19

The invited Student Scholarship finalists will present their research, with time for Q&A, and will be moderated by Scott Anderson, Haley & Aldrich, TENSOS Scholarship Committee Chair. Each Finalist will also present their research throughout the conference near the main stage in the Exhibit Hall and be available for your rapid-fire questions as you give your assessment and cast your vote for winners.

Student Scholarship Finalists:


National Waste & Recycling Association: Tennessee Chapter Meeting – 10-11 a.m., Room 16/17

The NWRA Tennessee Chapter leadership is excited to invite you to the National Waste and Recycling Spring Tennessee Chapter Meeting, scheduled to take place on May 15th at 10:00am; registration will begin at 9:30am. The meeting will be held at the Tennessee Environmental Network Show of the South in Chattanooga, TN.

This gathering presents an excellent opportunity for members of our industry to come together, share insights, and collaborate on important matters pertaining to the waste and recycling industry in Tennessee. As we continue to strive for sustainable solutions and best practices in our industry, your presence and contribution are invaluable.